Spring bonsai and Bonsai Namaste

There is so much to look forward to this spring. Not at least spring it self and bonsai starting to grow. Spring is my favourite time and repotting bonsai is part of that joy. Always exciting to see how roots have behaved under the soil the past seasons. I have just published the first of two video episodes concentration on Shohin bonsai repotting. Going in-depth with soil structure and its influence on the branch development, root pruning and much more important knowledge to be shared.

From the video Repotting Shohin Bonsai part one.

It is great to see that what was planned earlier seems to work. Hidden in the soil behind potted walls. No doubt that weather conditions have been tricky the past year, with an overwhelming amount of water from above. Challenging the soil and making me adjust this for the season to come. Watch the first episode here. (Remember you get a free month trial period when you sign up for a new subscription). Hope you will join.

In the Q&A section (for members) I have recently video-answered a question about Pear rust on Junipers. Maybe worth a watch too if you have missed it. Pear rust is a problem with Junipers, and there are very few ways to deal with it.

Bonsai Namaste

I will skip some of the late February chilliness leaving on a jet plane to India and Bonsai Namaste early next week. Just updated the photo archive from the last trip, to warm up for a great event. Did you know that bonsai started in India – before China and Japan?


Early known as VAMAN VRIKSHA KALA, this art was used to create and carry miniature trees around which could be used for medicinal purposes. This greatly facilitated Ayurvedic practitioners to administer medicines sourced from nature and transport these trees to far off areas Bonsai Namaste writes at their website and Facebook page.
Eventually, Buddhist monks carried these miniature trees and the knowledge of cultivating them to various countries during their travels and the art spread in other regions. This is how VAMAN VRIKSHA KALA reached countries like Japan, China, Indonesia etc. Today, it is known world-over by its Japanese name ‘Bonsai’.
Skipping the cold a bit and exchanging it with heat at the origin of bonsai, meeting beautiful bonsai and great people. Can’t be a better start of spring 2018. Full Vlog report, photos and more when I return. Also the second part of the Shohin bonsai repotting will be online as soon as i am back.


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