Bonsai Video Studio free trial period

The Bonsai Video Studio is spring ready and updated with new content the past week. I will use the occasion to inform you about the offer we give to first time subscribers at the Bonsai Video Studio and what it is all about.


First month free

First month is always a free trial period when you sign up the first time. And you can sign out again any time you want. The Bonsai Video Studio is designed to bring out as much information as possible that will help viewers, beginners as experienced, to improve their skills and improve their bonsai.

Education through high quality video tutorials is the best way to learn bonsai online. You can view it over and over again, when it suits you.

The content spans over specific techniques to the aesthetical and spiritual approach to bonsai art. All covered in beautiful captured and edited video. On top of that, members can ask question and get video responses.

Every month a new theme and seasonal vlog is on air

Watch it whenever it suits you. There are free versions available for sneak previews, but with a free month trial period you get it all immediately. The content is edited so it is direct informations you can use at your bonsai at home. Look forward to have you as a member of the Bonsai Video Studio. You can sign up right here.




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