Behind the Shohin Course

Today the Shohin course at Bonsai Empire went live.

You find it right here:

Behind the production is a lot of work. And much thinking (believe it or not , laughing). It all started in India, after a talk with Oscar from Bonsai Empire, when we attended a large bonsai event there. We have talked about it before, and now it became a reality.

The purpose

The main purpose with such a course is of course to communicate the informations of Shohin bonsai the best possible way. But I also put a lot of effort into the visual part. The pictures have to be of interest, and sound must be professional too. I hope we succeeded doing a both informative and pleasing course, that will bring you the necessary skills and inspiration to do your own bonsai at home in your garden.

Inspiration is as important as exact lectures on how to do what and when. Without inspiring footage you might lose interest in the subject. I always looks for great pictures and inspiring bonsai garden pictures myself, as much as I look for information.

The idea behind

The basic idea behind the course is to bring you the knowledge of doing your own bonsai. I have grown Shohin bonsai for 20 years now. And my greatest pleasure is to bring a piece of simple material up to a professional stage. This can be done if you have a good eye for finding raw material at nurseries, and have the skills to bring them further. And a little time.

The good thing with Shohin bonsai, besides the beauty, is the time span to get success. It is a much shorter travel to do a premium Shohin tree than a large bonsai. It is fun too, using an hour trimming and adjusting a small tree, compared to the full days of work demanded by a large bonsai, doing the exact same. I try to transmit that part too in the course.

The focus is naturally much at handing over the required basic techniques and caretaking of Shohin bonsai. But also the aesthetical considerations are of great importance and covered within the course. Displaying and the importance of age as an example.

I hope you will enjoy. This is part one. In the summer 2019 an upgrade with advanced techniques will follow.

Get access now at and start watching. Thanks for your interest.

A final note: If you are already a paying member of Shohin Bonsai Europe, the subjects and video part is covered by your membership here. 

Gallery with screenshots.


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