Blog post bug fixed + bonsai tutorials in 8 languages

We discovered a bug that made blog posts only available for members and that was not intended.

The bug is gone, and all blog posts are of course free to read. Let us know if you find a blog post restricted for members and we will fix it.

Translated bonsai tutorials

All videos from 2021 and onwards are subtitled.

So far you can enjoy adding subtitles in English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese (Brazil) and Polish. Covering our main customer’s language. Do we need to add other languages?

We now added Dutch to the list from August and onwards.

We created a small GIF so you can see how you add subtitles in different languages.


Summer is slowly replaced by autumn

Slowly summer will be replaced with autumn and different bonsai task will be demanded to change.

Fertilizing shifts and the growth pattern will be different for many species. One species that doesn’t slow down as much as others, is the Chinese Elm. It still needs a trim in between, when sending out new long growth. Not nearly as strong as in spring, but still enough to need a controlled scissor.

We look into autumn in the upcoming September edition released Wednesday. Looking forward to showing you the techniques and caretaking of your bonsai.

Headlines for September tutorials are:

Seasonal care for the first autumn month

Species of the month: Japanese maple

How long can a Shohin stay in the small size and what are the warning signs of its physical limits 

Air layering Elm 2 – separating

Japanese black pine candle pruning and needle plucking at Japanese white pines.

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