20 year + Cotoneaster Shohin bonsai

The Danish Bonsai Society is one of the oldest bonsai associations in Europe. The weekend ahead will be used to celebrate this at the annual meeting and exhibition. Peter Warren from the UK will help us do that, and I will post from the event.

The past days have been used to make everything ready for the exhibition and in the upcoming October Online Bonsai Magazine, I look into the final preparations of a bonsai before it is set up at an exhibition. The detailed preparation and aesthetics are important to present the tree as good as possible.

Cotoneaster at show

Now more than 20 years grown as a Shohin bonsai. The small Cotoneaster has changed a bit during the years but still remains that small size. 12 cm heigh from top to bottom branch.
Cotoneaster´s are among my favourites when growing the small bonsai.
A highlight of the season when berries are present. One of the very few trees that can be shown from two sides and still looks good.

Almost Friday 19

Our video extras named “Almost Friday” is now counting number 19. This time a special tour around the bonsai garden, looking at selected species, and a general introduction to the garden of the changing seasons for our members. Released yesterday. As a member, you find it in the video section or use the link below.

Watch now at https://shohin-europe.com/almost-friday-video/


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