Happy New Bonsai Year 2018


[arve url=”https://youtu.be/GKujsRQoIVE” thumbnail=”32793″ title=”Bonsai – happy new Year 2018″ description=”Happy Bonsai New Year 2018 from Morten Albek” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”1600″ /]

Time is running out for 2017. It has been a busy year. Not at least with the work setting up a completely new website so it can serve the Bonsai Video Studio. Thanks for all of your support starting this as a success from day one. I appreciate much those who are subscribing from the start. It gives a solid base to continue teaching bonsai online with high quality video tutorials.

Continuously new videos will be on air, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoy the production of it. 2018 will be dedicated much to this project, but also bonsai demonstrations and workshops around the world is already scheduled. Look forward to meet old and new friends during the year.

I wish all bonsai lovers a healthy and Happy New Year 2018. To you and your dear ones.


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