Yellow pot 2 – Pyracantha by Rita and Mark Cooper

After publishing my words about yellow Shohin-bonsai pots yesterday I received a wonderful picture from Rita and Mark Cooper from the UK. Rita and Mark has a fabulous collection of Shohin-bonsai, they have trained and developed from both native stocks and pre-bonsai raw material imported. Their efforts and aesthetic sensibility make them receive several awards, both at the latest British Shohin Bonsai Association exhibition, March this year, and most recently at the Best of British Bonsai Show.

Yellow pots may look too colourful for non-Shohin enthusiasts at a first glimpse, but when set up in a display the colours of pots and trees (flowers, fruits, leaves i.e.) is seen as one whole picture reflecting and expressing the season. Used in relationship with the other pieces set up, the colourful impression will be toned down and be less intrusive.

 Coloured pots are used to enhance the seasonal approach and feeling of the display. Also the aesthetic approach of Shohin is different as traditional bonsai, being slightly more playful and expressive. The yellow colour is very useful in especially spring or late winter displays, showing the freshness of the new growing season. Also as a warm summer sun indication yellow pots may be appropriate for a display in that season.

Beneath the work of Rita and Mark Cooper, showing their beautiful Pyracantha in a Takao Koyo pot from Japan.


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