Repotting a Trident maple
Repotting bonsai is sometimes a bit of a running experience. Try to keep up the speed and manage everything. Besides repotting deciduous trees at the moment, I also am producing new episodes for the online subscribers, trying to keep up the garden, repairing the Tsukubai, and a lot of other things.
The weather finally seems to change a bit so we get some warmer weather next week. Well not hot at all, but when the sun shines it feels a bit better and the trees likes it.
The garden shows sign of spring with new bulbs opening and showing the much-needed colours after a cold start of the year.
Trident maple repositioned
The Shohin bonsai needed some attention this season, and some have changed pots. For visual improvement and for better growth in other cases.
The Kisetsu-en collection is a mixture of Shohin bonsai, middle-sized bonsai and a few larger pieces. By the way, I also create some rock and slaps I hope to use soon. No rest for the wicked.
A new position and root pruning were performed yesterday between hail storms, sun and rain. What a strange day outside but it doesn’t stop a bonsai addict at work does it?
The tree originally is a pre-bonsai bought in Japan in 2011. Now it needed a new position and removing a root placed too high at the base of the trunk. I finally decided to cut it off and turn the tree a little so it looks a little larger and with more movement.
This demands that some branches need to be corrected. I will take care of that later in the season. First, the tree needs to grow and then I can come back to the next step.
Below some pictures of the progress so far. The first pictures show the new leaves and then the repotting.
It is fine to repot older maple trees after the first leaves have started to open.
Remember the Zoom meeting Thursday at 7 PM (UTC/GMT +2) for members. You can sign up here if you want to be part of it.