• Autumn bonsai colors

    The warm autumn doesn’t seem to stop some bonsai from exposing the wonderful colors of autumn. The shorter day length makes trees prepare for dormancy as does their genetic code clock. A third factor is the cold, but his year is extremely warm for the…

  • Autumn and Live Q&A

    Autumn begins to fill in the colour palette around Europe. Our friends on the other side of the globe experience spring, and so the world is spinning. The colours of deciduous trees are beautiful at this time no matter if it is autumn or spring.…

  • October in the Bonsai garden

    The middle of autumn shows leaves dropping, some colouring and others still green. Everything changes during October and colder more humid conditions will influence the growth and appearance of the bonsai garden.   Mortality It’s also a kind of melancholic season where we are reminded…

  • Autumn accents

    Accents or companion plantings for bonsai are maybe something most people relate to in the summer period. and being something you put together just up to a show where it is used for the display. Accents are used to compliment the bonsai display, whether it…

  • The Bonsai Live Show in Telford

    2022 is the year when the big shows returned in the UK. Organised by Mark Akins and Andrew Avraam. A huge job to do. My part of the game was to do Q&A on stage with Rafael Torres (Spain) and Tony Tickle (UK) Judging trees…

  • The Bonsai Show Live coming up

    In less than two weeks the Bonsai Show Live will take place at The International Centre in Telford (UK). Exhibition, demos and traders area amongst many things. If everything goes as planned I will bring books for signing, and the program for me so far…

  • LIVE Q&A Thursday 25

    It’s time for our online meeting at Kisetsu-en. Please note it is taking place this upcoming Thursday at 8 PM as usual. (UTC +2) because it is still European summertime. Send in your questions and pictures ahead, and let’s have an enjoyable evening as we…

  • Summer repotting Scots pine

    On a cloudy or chilly day, a cool workshop, pick your choice, it’s a perfect time to repot your Scots pines. This is the gap between spring growth building up energy and root growth and expansion. This week at BONSAI ON a Yamadori Scots pine…

  • Kisetsu-en Kusamono summer Holidays

    With a tutorial published about creating a large Kusamono summer display, we are now looking forward to two weeks’ holiday. Returníng with new ideas and creative bonsai content. Here you can see the result of the creation and display in the Tokonoma. The video you…

  • Azalea flower power

    When we reach the peak of the flowering at our Azalea it’s time to say goodbye. Leaving flowers on for longer will weaken the growth of new branches and buds for the next season. Rejuvenating branches and roots is a very important part of keeping…