• No 411/1755

    Behind this not so exiting headline hides a wonderful book, The Collectors Island No 1. The book is printed “Fondazione Cologni Dei Mestieri DÁrte”, an Italian foundation of arts started by a watchmaker. The book is one of a kind (and the first edition) collecting…

  • Western scroll painting

    Trying a new modern way using a scroll painting done by a western art painter A.A. Sanvig (www.aasanvig.com). For a long time it has been discussed how we can adapt the traditional Japanese way of bonsai in the west, just not copying what already done.…

  • www.shohin-europe.com is updated

    I finally succeed to restore the www.shohin-europe.com website, and I hope it will run without any failures. Please drop a mail if you notice any errors. A new design is applied too. Please enjoy. Regards, Morten Albek  

  • Kinbon Magazine interview

    In the October issue of the Japanese bonsai magazine, Kinbon Magazine, a large article featured Shohin-bonsai expert Tomohiro Masumi  at his tour in Denmark and Russia earlier this summer. Interviews with Morten Albek was a part of the  four pages article covering the Danish Bonsai…

  • Displaying Shohin-bonsai

    The featured images are from the SHOHIN BONSAI FAIR “the 19th Shuga-ten” held in Tokyo, JAPAN, kindly supported by the Japanese Shohin-bonsai Association. Now the display section of the website here is almost updated and reconstructed from the original website. The final transfers of material…

  • Autumn shows

    The autumn starts to show the beauty of the season in Denmark. The colder days lately begins to pay of at the Japanese Maple leaves. The next week will enhance this further. Pictures from the entrance of my garden and a few items at the…

  • Fuchi Bonsai autumn exhibition

    Yesterday we had a wonderful time exhibiting bonsai and doing demo’s at the Japanese Gardens in Broby, Denmark. There was a huge interest in the bonsai exhibition, and visitors shown a great interest in the work done. As far away as Germany visitors arrived, and…