• Please respect copyrights

    A little post here concerning the use of material that happens to be re-used by others throughout the web. I am happy to share my photos and content on the website and blog I am running, but I am not so happy when it is…

  • Japan growth versus northern Europe

    Climate has a big influence on the growth. The warmer Japanese climate, high air humidity and long growing seasons make the Japanese bonsai grow with great speed and far quicker than us using the northern hemisphere as base. The shorter growing season here do develop…

  • Mame-bonsai

    Mame-bonsai is growing in popularity like shohin at this time. The prize of the larger trees are going lower and lower, because shohin is growing so much still. A few places are keen to develop mame-bonsai (Mame Bonsai or bean-size bonsai is less than 10…

  • Full sun for your bonsai

    My travel mate and I had the privilege to re-visit Tomohiro Masumi at the Koju-en shohin-bonsai nursery in Kyoto. We had a very pleasant time as always with Tomohiro. One of the important lessons at this visit was always to keep your shohin in as…

  • Levels of shohin growing

    The way shohin-bonsai is grown in Japan may differ some from the western way. There are two ways of starting material in Japan. Some amateurs like to grow cuttings and make material from seeds. This lower level material is then after some development sold to…

  • Bonsai in Japan 2011

    Recently I went home after a two weeks travel to Japan. Humidity and temperatures went to the sky, but the experiences did too. Seeing Japanese bonsai in the flesh is an experience to learn from when possible. Probably it will be a while before going…

  • Five days before Japan

    Only five days left before I go to Japan again. Looking forward to revisit some places, and see lots of new things. Some articles for Bonsai Focus are planned, as well as some video shooting too. Plenty of pictures will be on the camera when…

  • Italian Shohin-bonsai on show

    I guess these pictures (facebook picture album) and the video from the exhibition is from Italian Aurelio De Capitani personal collection? No matter what, these are some of the first really beautiful high quality shohin I have seen from Italy. Clearly great material imported from…

  • Inspiration from Tomohiro Masumi

    Me and Tomohiro in my garden. Spending 5 days with Japanese Shohin bonsai expert Tomohiro Masumi did make a difference to me. Tomohiro was invited to the Danish Bonsai Society 30th anniversary exhibition as workshop leader and making lectures. I had the opportunity to have…

  • Shohin pot fashion today

    Bonsai fashion shifts from time to time. Sometimes it changes due to new taste and influences by leading artists. Some time out of need. The later is the case with coloured pots for shohin-bonsai. Shohin-bonsai has been developed the past 40 to 50 years in…