• New videos released

    Pinch, prune and record I have been absolutely busy recording and editing right up to the deadline. I have fumbled with words, and retakes were necessary when words came out with no sense. So it is every month. Trial and error. Like it is when…

  • It is Almost Friday in the bonsai garden

    Almost Friday is online, as it is most weeks of the year. Small extra videos that come with subtitles in 7 languages. From 2021 all new videos are with available subtitles in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (BR) and Polish language. Hornbeam collected Some…

  • Japanese maple time

    It is late spring. At least the heat isn’t on time. Finally, the Japanese maples open for a look at their beautiful leaves. Despite warmer weather is here for now, (not really warm, but compared to the recent days it feels so) I will still…

  • Snowy cold spring

    This is no weather for man or beast!’ Snow is falling. April is unpredictable. Some years we have had a warm and comfortable spring, and other years it is back and forth. This year it’s just cold and wet. What should we do if we…

  • Almost Friday 3 at Kisetsu-en

    Most Thursdays we post a small video (some free, some for members only) as bonus content. This week’s free version of “Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en” is now available. It is busy times around Kisetsu-en and repotting a small Mame-bonsai Shimpaku is just one in a…

  • Bonsai forest caught on video

    April is a month of unpredictable weather. We never know how it goes. The only thing that is certain is that the temperatures go up and down, and I have to take care of the sudden night freezing that might occur as late as May…

  • The large bonsai forest project

    I have dreamed about this. Making a large bonsai forest with mixed specimens. For a long time. Sometimes it takes a while before everything is in order, and you can progress and finally do what you dream about. I fancy the forest style and have…