• Horsetail Kusamono

    The Kusamono Dwarf Horsetail, Equisetum scirpoides, is a gift from a good bonsai friend. He didn’t remember the name, so I had to research a bit to find the correct name of it. I like the elegant structure with the tiny dark knees dividing each of…

  • Tokonoma in the garden

    On request I here show how the Tokonoma in my bonsai garden was established. It was built during the summer 2016. I did not do a sketch first, so no drawings and precise measures are available. The inner space is a bit larger than a…

  • The small wonders of Japanese maples

    Maybe it is because of the size of the tree. Maybe the size of the leaves. The wonders of the Japanese maples in Shohin bonsai always amaze me more than bigger amount of colored leafs. The same with the tiny leafs of the Cotoneaster microphylla.…

  • Rules rules – too much

    What is it about rules in bonsai? Rules seems to rule, often too much. I really believe in the historical heritage of bonsai have to be taken seriously, and be part of the moderne development of bonsai. Sometimes though, bonsai people have a tendency to…

  • Happy autumn

    [arve url=”https://youtu.be/bbbDj41dqBM” thumbnail=”34842″ description=”bonsai video” autoplay=”yes” loop=”yes” /] Autumn, (and I do repeat myself year after year) is one of my favourites. When it gets colder here in Northern Europe, the colours of deciduous trees change. For now it is still warm, but this will…

  • Tokonoma display

    The garden Tokonoma is used on a daily basis. On rainy days I keep tables and scrolls out, and just set up a basic display. Sometimes just a Suiseki. Other days a proper display with scrolls and tables are included. Like today. The point is…

  • Bonsai garden expanding

    These days the new bonsai garden area is getting the finishing touches. Originally the bonsai garden was a bit smaller, but there  was an urgent need for more space. Because new trees are coming in for the Bonsai Video Studio recordings, and there simply wasn´t…

  • Morning lights

      The nice thing about being up early (if you can’t sleep anyway) is the quietness and light. I really enjoy taking a tour around the garden in the morning, viewing bonsai setting new growth rapidly at this time of the year. At the moment…

  • Art and bonsai relationships

    Bonsai art and traditional art brought together. Bonsai art doesn’t have to stand alone as a separate art form. For years sculptures have been exhibited at galleries and art museums in connection with paintings. It is, for me, a natural thing blending art forms like…

  • Finding the right bonsai pot

    One of the fun things about repotting bonsai in spring, is the possibility to select a new pot for a tree. You can change pots during the season if roots are left undisturbed an it is a necessity for an exhibition. But then you can’t…