• Ready for Noelanders / EBA2017

    Finished all the cleaning up, details and applying moss on the soils surfaces i.e. on the bonsai that I will bring to the EBA 2017 exhibition at Noelanders Trophy this upcoming weekend. Today tables are cleaned and packed for the ride. Will be there from…

  • Gafu-ten book 38

    The book from the 38th Gafu-ten exhibition in Japan (the largest Shohin exhibition taking place every January in Japan), just landed on my desk. And ohhh how happy a boy I am. Not only by watching the marvellous photos of fantastic Shohin-displays,  buts also the…

  • Shohin 2012

    The past weekend I attended the national annual exhibition in the Danish Bonsai Society. The event took place at a bright place at the Danish Japanese Gardens. This time my small shohin display was awarded with the runners up prize, judged by the head demonstrator…

  • Shohin at Noelanders Trophy 2012

    Mark Cooper has kindly shared his excellent photos of Shohin (20 cm / 8 inch high), Kifu (around 25-35cm / 10-14 inches) and then some Chuhin (maximum 45cm / 18 inch), shown at Noelanders Trophy 2012, in Belgium. All photos is the courtesy of Mark…

  • Western scroll painting

    Trying a new modern way using a scroll painting done by a western art painter A.A. Sanvig (www.aasanvig.com). For a long time it has been discussed how we can adapt the traditional Japanese way of bonsai in the west, just not copying what already done.…

  • Late summer displaying

    Summer is not allways the best time to display shohin. This time of the year many trees are leaf trimmed or in other ways not showing the full beauty, missing flowering and colours of the fruits not developed full yet. It is possible though to…