• Flowers and grasses in the bonsai garden

    In my garden, I grow a small variety of plants as accents for my bonsai or just to stand alone. Accents can be everything with flowers or non-flowering species like grasses. Accents for bonsai or stand-alone The purpose of growing small plants for bonsai is…

  • Enjoy bonsai and take care of each other

    In these serious times, we have to take care of each other. Staying safe and sound. This means we have to reduce public activities and being together at a distance. To avoid the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus. We can still enjoy and share the…

  • Trophy and book release

    What a smashing good weekend it was at the Trophy this past weekend. The new book Shohin – through the Seasons released and very well received. Thanks for all your positive comments. Online and in real life 🙂 Grateful to receive all your friendly words…

  • Shohin book printed and flying

    The Shohin book is printed and on its way out in the world. I am really happy with the layout and overall impression of the book. I hope it will be well received wherever it will land. “Shohin – Through the Seasons” can be ordered…

  • Trophy selections

    I am glad to reive a message today, confirming the acceptance of both of my submissions for the Trophy exhibition at the end of February. Now for the preparations Preparations is now typed in the calendar. Although the trees are in a good condition, the…

  • Order my book in English

    I know some found it difficult to order the English version of my new book at the French website of Esprit Bonsai. But my wonderful French publisher has made it possible to change the website into English, and making the order easy. Just click the…

  • Shohin bonsai preparations and Vlog 17

    Slowly the autumn moves forward. Temperatures drops and it is time to stop feeding the trees. I remove all used organic fertilizers at this time to let the trees slowly slow down and get ready for dormancy. Deciduous trees will slowly turn their leaves into…

  • New Shohin bonsai book on its way

    It’s a great pleasure to announce that I have e new Shohin bonsai book on the desk soon. At the Trophy in Genk last year the publishers of the Esprit Bonsai asked me if we could do a reprint of my first book. Originally published…