Trophy selections

I am glad to reive a message today, confirming the acceptance of both of my submissions for the Trophy exhibition at the end of February.

Now for the preparations

Preparations is now typed in the calendar. Although the trees are in a good condition, the trunks needs a cleaning, and small adjustments here and there. Pots needs to be wiped off, removing any dirt, but has to be done gently.

Cleaning the pots with clean water and a soft cloth, so dirt is removed without ruining he patina of the pot. After that the pots are oiled with a non sticky oil. I use almond oil because i freshens up the colors without being too greasy.

Trophy actions

This year I will have more things to do at the Trophy. By the way, it is my first time to seek the acceptance of trees for the Trophy. I did exhibit at the EBA-show connected to the Trophy a short while ago, but newer did it at the Trophy exhibition. So I am happy that I made it through.

Besides promoting my new book, “Shohin – Through the Seasons” I also have an appointment with Bonsai Empire. I will make a talk Sunday afternoon at the stand of Bonsai Empire, located i the front hall, like the previous years.

Look forward to meet everyboday again.

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