Shohin book printed and flying

The Shohin book is printed and on its way out in the world.
I am really happy with the layout and overall impression of the book. I hope it will be well received wherever it will land.

“Shohin – Through the Seasons” can be ordered at…
and at the Esprit Bonsai booth at the Trophy event in Genk, Belgium, February 29 – March 1.
There will be 4 signing sessions during the weekend from 10.30 A.M to 11.20 A.M and from 2 P.M. to 3 P.M. on Saturday and Sunday.

Spring comes closer

Winter didn’t happen this year. That must be the status now we are leaving the official winter months. Therefore the growing season might be the longest as long as I have lived. It also will influence the growth of my bonsai, adding some extra growth if it continues. Good news for heat-loving trees like the Japanese black and red pine. Both are two flush pines needing a longer period with light and warmer weather than the native trees around here.

In the book, I have a theme about these two types of pines in every seasonal chapter. Because they are popular types of trees for Shohin bonsai and can be a challenge for colder areas. This and many other tips and tricks are part of the book. I hope you will like it.

Next stops Belgium and the UK

At the end of the month, there is the Trophy. A month later I will be back and doing a Shohin lecture for the Belgium Bonsai Association. Looking a little ahead in the calendar also a pleasant trip to the UK is planned. Shohin demo at the UK Bonsai Association Sunday 18 Oct.

Happy repotting if you are already on the move. It might start early this year.


  • albek

    Hi Denny
    The book is currently in the beginning of being edited. As soon as it is possible to preorder I will publish it all over at the website and social media. 
    Thanks for your interest.
    Best regards Morten 

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