• It is Almost Friday in the bonsai garden

    Almost Friday is online, as it is most weeks of the year. Small extra videos that come with subtitles in 7 languages. From 2021 all new videos are with available subtitles in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese (BR) and Polish language. Hornbeam collected Some…

  • Snowy cold spring

    This is no weather for man or beast!’ Snow is falling. April is unpredictable. Some years we have had a warm and comfortable spring, and other years it is back and forth. This year it’s just cold and wet. What should we do if we…

  • Bonsai forest caught on video

    April is a month of unpredictable weather. We never know how it goes. The only thing that is certain is that the temperatures go up and down, and I have to take care of the sudden night freezing that might occur as late as May…

  • March in Kisetsu-en Video

    The March edition of our online video magazine is dealing with several topics. Here you can watch a draft from the episodes launched for March seasonal care and techniques to improve your bonsai. [arve url=”https://vimeo.com/523678047″ loop=”no” muted=”no” /]

  • Kisetsu-en Bonsai Zoom launches in April

    From April we introduce an extra feature for our members. Introducing Kisetsu-en Bonsai Zoom live from our studio. A live Q&A session where you can ask questions, share experiences and get live feedback from Morten Albek. We do it on Zoom and in English. Let’s talk…

  • Bonsai by night

    A few days ago I had a visit from a friend who is a very talented cameraman and photographer. He wanted to test his new equipment and some lights, so we did a recording in the garden by night. Bonsai video by night Before Christmas,…

  • Episode 12 – Bonsai Christmas book calendar

    On the twelfth day of Christmas. ‘The Kisetsu-en Bonsai Calendar opens a Shohin book on December 12th. Roland Schatzer has photographed his bonsai collection for years and ended up with a 370-page book with his recordings. View the review and enjoy a daily book from…