Morten Albek interview about Shohin bonsai
At the Bonsai Show Live in Telford, I was interviewed about Shohin bonsai. How it all started, challenges and much more. Watch the full interview here.Thanks to the organisers for putting in really big efforts to make the event a major success.
Shohin bonsai in January and Tony Tickle testimonial
January is tricky. We just had a storm passing and it has been wet, wet and then wet again. Finally, the rain seem to stop. But the hag this month is to secure the bonsai are not pushing out new growth forced by the mild…
Chief editor at Bonsai Art Heike van Gunst
“Dear Morten, it is a great joy and honour to congratulate you on 30 years with bonsai and 20 successful years of Shohin-Europe! You have surely made a very satisfying personal journey, exploring the world of bonsai and shohin, and you have achieved so much.…
Shohin Bonsai Europe 20 year anniversary greetings
Shohin Bonsai Europe has been around for 20 years in 2023. I am really proud and happy to receive greetings from friends around the world. Part of the 20 years anniversary celebrations is a testimonial page where I will post a greeting weekly in the…
Autumn´s newer lies
Bonsai loses leaves and cold windy weather reaches us. Autumn’s newer lies despite we set a warm-weather record the past month. But now cold arrived helping trees into dormancy. I am still working on deciduous trees needing trimming and winter preparations before branches get too…
Autumn bonsai colors
The warm autumn doesn’t seem to stop some bonsai from exposing the wonderful colors of autumn. The shorter day length makes trees prepare for dormancy as does their genetic code clock. A third factor is the cold, but his year is extremely warm for the…
Autumn and Live Q&A
Autumn begins to fill in the colour palette around Europe. Our friends on the other side of the globe experience spring, and so the world is spinning. The colours of deciduous trees are beautiful at this time no matter if it is autumn or spring.…
Get connected with bonsai friends
GET CONNECTED. That’s probably the most important part of bonsai. Meeting people. Talking bonsai. Sharing experiences. Being together. The LIVE Q&A at Kisetsu-en BONSAI ON is such an opportunity. With that brilliant side effect, you will also learn something. The LIVE Q&A is a perfect…
A bonsai and a dog.
Bonsai in remembrance of Mikki. With a sad heart, we had to say goodbye to our almost 13-year-old dog, Miki. He was a lovely friend. Strong, kind and elegant. He left us the best possible way, just tired and giving up on life after a…
Firethorn styling
An old homegrown Pyracantha, Firethorn, pregrown by my friend Johnny Eslykke. Developed up to this stage from a simple cutting, and now I will bring it the next steps towards a magnificent flowering bonsai. It has been grown in a simple plastic container until…