• Get connected with bonsai friends

    GET CONNECTED. That’s probably the most important part of bonsai. Meeting people. Talking bonsai. Sharing experiences. Being together. The LIVE Q&A at Kisetsu-en BONSAI ON is such an opportunity. With that brilliant side effect, you will also learn something. The LIVE Q&A is a perfect…

  • A bonsai and a dog.

    Bonsai in remembrance of Mikki. With a sad heart, we had to say goodbye to our almost 13-year-old dog, Miki. He was a lovely friend. Strong, kind and elegant. He left us the best possible way, just tired and giving up on life after a…

  • Firethorn styling

    An old homegrown Pyracantha, Firethorn, pregrown by my friend Johnny Eslykke. Developed up to this stage from a simple cutting, and now I will bring it the next steps towards a magnificent flowering bonsai.   It has been grown in a simple plastic container until…

  • Frost hardy bonsai

    Temperatures drop for a few days. – 9 C / 15 Fahrenheit for a few nights. When the first snow showed up I went out to capture the magic before trees were carried in and protected from the hard frost hitting in the night at…

  • Bonsai winter time at Kisetsu-en

    Most trees are still outside because the winter is not really present yet. Rain is present though. Still a few deciduous haven’t shed the leaves full, but they will not last for long now. Wet, wet, wet December only presented a few cold days, and…

  • Nurse your bonsai creativity as an artist

    One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout the years of practising bonsai, is to overcome the obstacles and release creativity. Obstacles can be learning all the styling techniques and necessary gardening skills. Most of that you can learn through practising bonsai and…

  • Bonsai seasons

    New bonsai tutorials are to be released on September 1st. As always a lot of thoughts, work and cutting (both trees and video) is put into this. I hope you will enjoy it on this first day of autumn if we follow the calendar. What…