Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online

We are relaunching the Bonsai Online streaming service soon. There clearly is a need for bonsai online instructions these days.

We expand the tutorials with a wider range of bonsai covered, so both medium-large to small shohin are subjects for seasonal care, styling, and techniques.

Following the seasons will add up on the information about styling bonsai, and we will also focus on the development of trees over longer periods. Revisiting trees to see how development brings them forward.

Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online tutorials are back

From May 25th a weekly video is launched, following the season.

Techniques, seasonal care, styling, and aesthetics are covered with new episodes weekly.

Only 8 Euro a month for a three-month subscription, or 10 Euro for monthly renewals.

You can sign up and watch the previous episodes today, and new episodes will be launched weekly from May 25th. Read more at the Kisetsu-en website.



  • William Slinn

    Hello Mr Albek, I subscribed for, and enjoy your posts relating to Bonsai, however, I think that you may not be aware that recent posts have featured information concerning medical advice.

    Kind Regards, Bill Slinn.

    • albek

      Hi William
      Yes I know. Trying hard to solve it. The problem is that it is end out before I knew it.
      Hope I have prevented it now installing different software. Sorry for the inconvenience.
      Thanks for letting me know.
      Best regards

  • Tom virgin

    I would like to buy your book–Shohin though the Seasons- but the form for the mailing/shipping address doesn’t include a box for listing a state. I live in the USA and for a complete address the state needs to be listed.

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