The beauty of Scots pines

The beauty of Scots pines has grown on me. I usually say I do not have preferences about which species I prefer for bonsai. But I have to admit that the Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, is trying to be on top of that non-existing list 🙂

There is something special about the aged silver-grey bark, the simple needle foliage, and the elegance of the growth. In this – and the next – episode all focus is put on developing this specie.

Continuing the evolution of a Yamadori Scots pine (you can also watch the first styling process “Styling a yamadori Scots pine”) of this tree.
Scots pines are single flush pines, and in this episode, the work is concentrated on preparing the pine for the next styling. We go in-depth with the caretaking of this specie, how watering and feeding control the growth, pinching techniques to add new growth, and more.

Duration 21:46

This episode – launched today

Watch a draft of the episode here.

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