A bonsai and a dog.

Bonsai in remembrance of Mikki. With a sad heart, we had to say goodbye to our almost 13-year-old dog, Miki. He was a lovely friend. Strong, kind and elegant. He left us the best possible way, just tired and giving up on life after a long happy dog life. Strong to the end.


Mikki with my wife Ann-Lisbeth.


When styling the Yew for the episode released Thursday, as usual, it came into my mind how much this tree captures the spirit of our dog. Therefore I name this tree after him, remembering all that kindness, elegance and strength. Reflected in the tree by the soft slim but strong trunk. The elegant foliage that will be developed, and the power of this species.


Mikki was adopted from a foster home after his previous owner died. We took him and raised him and learned him everything because his owner didn’t teach him anything. So at the age of four years, he had to learn to sit, come and not jump up at the kitchen table. Just six weeks later he managed it all. A clever boy.

Reminds me of how a tree collected from an old garden or collected in nature needs to be trimmed and nursed to succeed in having a good relationship as a bonsai.


Therefore this is a tree that will never leave me, keeping the spirit of my old dog Mikki living on.


The process of shaping a bonsai


The process of shaping a bonsai is captured in this lecture. Taking every step from the very start, selecting the front, working on deadwood with power tools, selecting and arranging branches, wiring techniques and the aesthetics involved.



More than one hour of detailed tutorial ready to watch at our membership streaming service BONSAI ON. Sign up and watch this and hours of bonsai training.


Online Thursday!


You also get access to Live Q&A, as well as you can ask your bonsai questions directly and get written answers to support your bonsai journey and joy.


  • andrew beattie

    Thank you Morten for sharing this with us, a fitting memorial to your dog Mikki. i have a yew of similar size but mine is very straight and has a poor nebari, still, this has inspired me to try and create something worth keeping.

  • Jon Aristone

    Morten, This was a very special presentation. Our dogs are family members for sure and we will all remember Micky when we see this tree in you garden. A fitting tribute. Well done !

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