Rosa Eijitsu and Juniper deadwood

Do you know what a Rose and a Juniper bonsai have in common? Why it makes sense to talk about two so different species at the same time? Why you should grow so different trees in your bonsai garden?

One of the reasons I favour Shohin bonsai over larger bonsai is the flowering species like the Rosa Eijitsu.

Rose bonsai isn’t that well known as bonsai and it can be a bit challenging to grow, but not the least rewarding for a summer display.

Rose is herbaceous, with cane-dominated growth. Pruning roses in spring is important to succeed in growing them as bonsai because they do not flower on old woody growth but only on present years’ growth.

Wild rose varieties and simple flowering roses are the best for bonsai. The Japanese Eijitsu rose multiflora has many qualities for bonsai and it is an exquisite dwarf variety of Rose.

Qualities are a thick woody trunk, and it develops tight internodes (distance between leaves).

The Rose is placed in a wonderful pot by Terahata Satomi Mazan, Tokoname, Japan.

Rosa Eijitsu shows simple beautiful flowers in summer, and it is a non-recurring flower even if dead-headed where withered flowers are removed. The limited time of flowering is so much more making it a concentrated period to enjoy when it happens.

Rose Flowers versus Juniper Deadwood

In opposition to this delicate flowering tree is the Itoigawa Juniper with dramatic deadwood. Those qualities set up against each other, the tender rose flowers and a Juniper with deadwood are the qualities of Shohin bonsai.

This week the online teaching will focus on deadwood work and timing and the connection with roses.

Do you know when it is the optimal time to create deadwood and how to create natural lines and depth? Do you need to know how the live vein is securely maintained and improved?

Watch this week’s live stream, or the recorded lesson afterwards. Recordings are online shortly after the live stream ends to be watched again.

Live stream Thursday at 8 PM (CET +2) Copenhagen time.

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