• Bonsai live and a bonsai forest

    Because of the difficult times, a group of Black Scissors bonsai artists go together and send live on Facebook. If I can manage it, it will also be shared on YouTube afterward. Going live to bring us together when we are apart. The event will…

  • Black Scissors online demo April 19

    On April 19 I will take part in the worldwide online bonsai event arranged by the Black Scissors Bonsai movement. Considering the present condition of COVID-19 which encouraging people to stay home and work at home, we have planned a live bonsai demo around the…

  • Buy a book – this one

    Don’t know what to do during quarantine? Read a book. It might as well be this one 🙂 “Shohin – Through the seasons” is written with the aim of guiding bonsai enthusiasts through the seasonal changes and applying the right techniques at the right time. The…

  • Forsythia spring flowers

    One of my medium-sized new trees is a Forsythia showing the nice yellow flowers right now. It is a new tree in my collection, found in my garden two years ago. A simple forest clump style bonsai made from a bush growing in the front…

  • Enjoy bonsai and take care of each other

    In these serious times, we have to take care of each other. Staying safe and sound. This means we have to reduce public activities and being together at a distance. To avoid the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus. We can still enjoy and share the…

  • Trophy and book release

    What a smashing good weekend it was at the Trophy this past weekend. The new book Shohin – through the Seasons released and very well received. Thanks for all your positive comments. Online and in real life 🙂 Grateful to receive all your friendly words…

  • Shohin book printed and flying

    The Shohin book is printed and on its way out in the world. I am really happy with the layout and overall impression of the book. I hope it will be well received wherever it will land. “Shohin – Through the Seasons” can be ordered…

  • Review – Developing coniferous bonsai

    Bonsai Empire launches a new online course focusing on coniferous bonsai. I will go through some of the highlights after viewing the key points of the full course. Adding my personal comments to the parts I watched. Four teachers have been chosen for this course.…