• Progression works

    Having some time available these days I have reorganized some articles upon request. These progression articles hopefully will inspire to do some shohin and mame bonsai from either prepared material or ordinary garden stocks. At the moment six examples are available at the website www.shohin-europe.com…

  • Shohin-bonsai pots by Elsebeth Ludvigsen

    I am fortunate to have the excellent Danish shohin and kusamono potter Elsebeth Ludvigsen around. Elsebeth delivers from time to time some very good pots with her own unique style. Danish clay crafts have a good reputation in Europe and the traditions are shown in…

  • Mame Shimpaku Juniper

    During my travel to Japan this year in July, I had the opportunity to visit several shohin bonsai growers. In Angyo I visited the nursery of Akimoto, a very friendly man, who sold me a small Shimpaku Juniper for a friendly prize. This coming Mame…

  • Shohin Juniper step 3

    Continuing the work from the last post, the Juniper is now ready for the next (third step) in its progression. The arrangement of the branches and canopy is often some of the appealing work for many, because it is here you may change a tree…

  • Juniper progress

    This Juniperus chinensis, has been on its way for five months now since I acquired it at local bonsai shop in July. It’s a classic pre-bonsai with both flaws and positive features. My work with this tree is one step at the time, leaving plenty…

  • No 411/1755

    Behind this not so exiting headline hides a wonderful book, The Collectors Island No 1. The book is printed “Fondazione Cologni Dei Mestieri DÁrte”, an Italian foundation of arts started by a watchmaker. The book is one of a kind (and the first edition) collecting…

  • Western scroll painting

    Trying a new modern way using a scroll painting done by a western art painter A.A. Sanvig (www.aasanvig.com). For a long time it has been discussed how we can adapt the traditional Japanese way of bonsai in the west, just not copying what already done.…

  • www.shohin-europe.com is updated

    I finally succeed to restore the www.shohin-europe.com website, and I hope it will run without any failures. Please drop a mail if you notice any errors. A new design is applied too. Please enjoy. Regards, Morten Albek