• Pot choices for two Shohin bonsai

    Hmmmm…. what pot should I choose? This may be one of the spring questions often asked among bonsai enthusiasts. In this week’s video, I look into exploring the pot choice. Repotting bonsai is also a chance to select maybe a new pot for a tree.…

  • October in the Bonsai garden

    The middle of autumn shows leaves dropping, some colouring and others still green. Everything changes during October and colder more humid conditions will influence the growth and appearance of the bonsai garden.   Mortality It’s also a kind of melancholic season where we are reminded…


    Yes. Just needed to spell it out in capital letters, because Shohin bonsai is just fun to work with and beautiful to watch. The online bonsai school at Kisetsu-en covers all kinds of bonsai, but I think it is the regular online teaching bonsai school…

  • Read your tree in autumn

    Autumn is showing its bright colours. Almost like a traffic light with green, yellow and reds shining at the branches on deciduous Japanese maples, the Korean hornbeam or the Elm. I am lucky to have some nice weather the last days with the sun bringing…

  • Friday new bonsai tutorials are released

    Even when it rains we continue recording the videos for the next release of tutorials. To a certain point. When water drops too heavy we have to withdraw for a moment. Autumn is a bit unpredictable around here. We never know if it will be…

  • Bonsai seasons

    New bonsai tutorials are to be released on September 1st. As always a lot of thoughts, work and cutting (both trees and video) is put into this. I hope you will enjoy it on this first day of autumn if we follow the calendar. What…

  • Mame and Shohin bonsai in focus

    August coming up soon with a special on Mame and Shohin bonsai If you have a taste for that, then here you can get a taste of it.   Increasing in popularity Mame-bonsai is getting their attention. Shohin bonsai is spreading and more and more…