Bonsai demo in India

The bonsai demo in India at the Bonsai Namaste event, was conducted by 17 international bonsai artists. Every day throughout the four days three artists and assistants were on stage. The material was mainly tropical and Junipers. For some of us artists a bit difficult, because not everybody is familiar with tropic specimens regarding growing conditions and the like. But the aesthetical part is the same, no matter where you come from. We all have our own preferences and ways of working with trees.

Measured at the enthusiasm among the audience I think we did a good job, no matter what tree was presented. A few atmosphere pics are shown in the gallery below. There wasn’t time for me to do a presentation of all trees in front of the camera. But I will follow-up with a Vlog soon, giving a good sense of how the whole event was. It will be fun to watch too. Coming in your favourite website – here 🙂 – soon.

Artists list:

Bjorn Bjornholm (US) – Morten Albek (Denmark) – Tony Tickle (UK) – Tony Bebb (Australia) – Koji Hiramatsu (Japan) – Kunio Kobayashi (Japan) – Mauro Stemberger (Italy) – Marc Noelanders (Belgium) – Sergio Luciani (Argentina) – Mike Siow (Malaysia) – Nacho Marin (Venezuela) – Peter Warren (UK) – Pedro J. Morales (Puerto Rico) – Rudy Najoan (Indonesia) – Suthin Sukosolvisit (US) – Tran Thang (Vietnam). And assistants.

Click below to watch pictures in larger size.


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