• Live Q&A Thursday

    Thursday, January 25 at 8 PM (UTC +1) the monthly Live Q&A is scheduled. Bring in your questions and also send questions in before where you can attach pictures if needed. Questions can be about everything bonsai-related, from repotting, and styling techniques to display issues.…

  • Black Pine styling

    Now online and ready to stream. I am styling a Japanese black pine Shohin bonsai. Step by step each detail is shown and explained. Learn about the styling process and how to balance health between each branch. Japanese black pines are traditionally used for many…

  • Kusamono and shitakusa for a summer play

    It´s almost summertime and out of season for most bonsai collections. Therefore it’s time for some playing around with shitakusa and kusamono. Shitakusa is the softwood plant used to accompany a bonsai or part of a Shohin bonsai display. Kusamono is composed to be the…

  • Deciduous multi-trunk cascade

    How do we style traditional bonsai without being traditional? Sometimes moving ahead and exploring new forms of bonsai art isn’t groundbreaking but just subtle changes that make a difference. This week’s live stream will explore a new idea I came up with some weeks ago.…

  • Mark Akins shohin testimonial

    “On behalf of Beechfield Bonsai, I would like to congratulate Morten Albek on the 20th anniversary of Kisetsu-en and for promoting the art of shohin bonsai. Through the online learning and tuition platform you have inspired many enthusiasts with your passion for shohin bonsai, and…

  • Tony Bebb Shohin anniversary greeting

    Congratulations Morten. 20 years of Shohin Bonsai Europe and going stronger than ever. You are one of the dedicated who consistently puts up material for others to learn from and enjoy. So many people don’t appreciate the world of Shohin until they get older and…

  • Cutting hard to start new Shohin bonsai

    There are numerous ways to start a Shohin bonsai. Buying finished or pre-shaped material is a fast method. Developing from seed is the slowest way. Then there is the in-between strategy which I have used a lot on deciduous trees especially. But also possible on…