Mame bonsai is fun
The smallest bonsai is categorized as Shohin bonsai and a subcategory is Mame (bean) bonsai, only measuring up to 10 cm / 4 Inches. Shohin bonsai measures a maximum of 20cm/10 inches from the rim of the pot to the top of the tree (give…
Carina Jern bonsai pots unboxed
There are many talented bonsai ceramists in Europe, and one of them is doing her magic up north in Sweden. I received a box of new pots I carefully chose from the website this week. It is always exciting to see them in real life.…
New shohin bonsai potters – Martine Geoffroy and Nick Hopes
New pots show up now and then. There are many talented potters around, and one new to me I spotted at the recent Trophy event in Genk, Belgium. Her name is Martine Geoffroy and comes from France. Another one I have followed on Instagram for…
Vote for the bonsai pot you love.
Challenge the traditional bonsai pot. Here is a big pile of shots from the last episode of “Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en”. Photos of the pots by Kerámia Varga that will be used for upcoming tutorials at BONSAI ON. Different artistic pots that challenge the traditional…
Almost Friday 23 unboxing bonsai pots
Unboxing beautiful pots from Vargas Ceramics. In this episode from Kisetsu-en we open a box of candy. Special artwork from Kerámia Varga exploring new modern expressions. https://vargasceramics.com/ Watch Almost Friday video placed at the end of the post. Unique modern bonsai pots add more to…
Unboxing Thor Holvila bonsai pots
In cooperation with Thor Holvilla bonsai pots. Video with Thor Holvila bonsai pots I received a box of bonsai pots. Quality bonsai pots are what we need to enhance the beauty of bonsai. Thor Holvila has his pottery in Sweden and has built up a…
Horsetail Kusamono
The Kusamono Dwarf Horsetail, Equisetum scirpoides, is a gift from a good bonsai friend. He didn’t remember the name, so I had to research a bit to find the correct name of it. I like the elegant structure with the tiny dark knees dividing each of…
Mame bonsai pots from Horie Bikoh
Specially imported modern Mame bonsai pots from Horie Bikoh kiln in Japan arrived yesterday. I have been searching for especially this kind of pot for some time, but newer came across it until now. Tomohiro Masumi from Koju-en in Kyoto helped me searching and came…