• New Tokonoma in the studio

    For a few years now a garden Tokonoma has been established in the Kisetsu-en bonsai garden. I always dreamed about having an indoor Tokonoma as well to display bonsai all year around. Our house isn’t that big though so it was first when my wife…

  • Bonsai garden expanding

    These days the new bonsai garden area is getting the finishing touches. Originally the bonsai garden was a bit smaller, but there  was an urgent need for more space. Because new trees are coming in for the Bonsai Video Studio recordings, and there simply wasn´t…

  • 15 years with shohin bonsai

    This year the Shohin Bonsai Europe website has been online for 15 years. Worth a small celebration I think, and an excellent excuse for a glass of wine on a Sunday evening. In the start the website was made to spread the knowledge of shohin…

  • Bonsai – bonsai – bonsai

    Bonsai is a very big part of my life, and it seems like it can’t stop going in that direction. My website has changed from being a enthusiasts thoughts and experiences shared, to be a bonsai professional platform. Why is that so?’ I have done…

  • Black Scissors in China and grand opening

    China A few days left before going to China with the Black Scissors community. Look very much forward meeting friends and making new ones. And not the least, to work on trees at the demo. Promising bonsai future I can’t remember the International bonsai scene…

  • Mame bonsai pots from Horie Bikoh

    Specially imported modern Mame bonsai pots from Horie Bikoh kiln in Japan arrived yesterday. I have been searching for especially this kind of pot for some time, but newer came across it until now. Tomohiro Masumi from Koju-en in Kyoto helped me searching and came…