• Small – medium – large

    The Danish Bonsai Society – and the local group mainly – did an exhibition over the past weekend. I visited and found some very nice displays. Autumn time is a great time to display especially Shohin that can express the seasons through different species. Also…

  • Tokonoma garden display

    A wonderful day before winds will be ripping off some leaves the next days. The Tokonoma was used to do some recordings for next years new videos. I will later this year announce some news about these videos, so stay tuned. Cliffhanger intended. The tree…

  • Removing autumn leaves?

    I know many do remove the autumn leaves before they drop. I do not. For the obvious reason that the tree needs all the back flow of nutrients it can get before going into dormancy. It is a natural process, where the decaying leafs turns…

  • Autumn works it´s natural way

    Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year. Despite rainy periods, there is a certain mood about it. Mornings with the smell of wet soil, mushrooms in between the garden trees and leafs turning their colours into traditional brown, red and yellowish warm…

  • Shohin book sold out

    I am sorry (and glad of course) that my Shohin-bonsai book is sold out, and not is available anymore. It has been printed in a good quantity and the success of it makes me happy. I know it is used at a regular basis by…

  • Bonsai summer time

    It´s summer time, and the Danish summer behaves as it sometimes does. It rains. It rains. And it rains. Not much sun lately, but temperatures are alright. It might not be good for humans who wants to enjoy holidays by relaxing in the garden with…

  • Cotoneaster shohin favourites

    The Cotoneaster is among my all time favourites for shohin-bonsai. especially for Mame-bonsai (from 9,5 cm and down), because it is slightly draught tolerant, and can develop a fine root system for the extremely small pots used. Cotoneaster × suecicus ‘Coral Beauty’ is one of the varieties among…

  • Summer trimming new growth

    June means a high level of new growth. Sometimes it is necessary to let trees grow more than normal before trimming, so the health of the tree is ensures. Watch the video where a Cork Bark Elm and an English Yew is trimmed. https://youtu.be/Aotd4579mhg