• Rescuing a small neglected Japanese Quince

    A neglected small Japanese Quince is rescued and brought to life in this episode. Normally we repot Chaenomeles in autumn, but when roots are suffering and the health is declining it’s timely to take action in spring. Extra care through the season will help it…

  • Noren curtain and Japanese maples

    The traditional Japanese Noren curtain is now hanging at the entrance to the bonsai workshop in the garden. The classic Japanese Noren curtain The classic Noren curtain has been used in Japan to keep curious eyes from looking in, but more important to keep the…

  • Japanese black pines heat and growth

    The Shohin bonsai summer has been hot, then wet, and then looking to be warm again. It’s the middle of summer and the second growing period pushes new growth. The Japanese Black Pine is ready for adjustments and decandling where Japanese maples now have set…

  • A Kifu bonsai challenge

    Some types of raw bonsai material can be really interesting. At the upcoming December video release, Morten Albek uses all his energy and creativity in the dance around a challenging piece of Yamadori Scots pine. Two and a half years have been used strengthening up…

  • The spirit of teaching bonsai

    Also send out as newsletter. I think my appreciation and dedication to teaching bonsai started many years ago. As I for the first time was asked to demonstrate in public and make a workshop. Since then I have found immense joy in bringing on my…

  • Online bonsai beginner experiences

    The other day at an exhibition I heard one of my local students talk about the online learning experience. Not a young man as you might expect, but a retired man now putting all his energy and love into bonsai. What he told another guest…

  • Bonsai green season

    It is the bonsai green season. The colour change on the Mountain maples (acer palmatum) is clear from day to day. It’s the growing season taking over. Gallery at the bottom of this post. Delayed very much this season, yes. But finally, some of the…

  • The beauty of Scots pines

    The beauty of Scots pines has grown on me. I usually say I do not have preferences about which species I prefer for bonsai. But I have to admit that the Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, is trying to be on top of that non-existing list…

  • Bonsai Q&A Yamadori, pines and junipers

    Our bonsai Q&A is online answering 3 questions from our dedicated members. This time we zoom in a Yamadori aftercare, developing pines (old and young), and take a look at developing new growth a Shimpaku and Itoigawa junipers. Af full 43 minutes episode available now…

  • Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online

    We are relaunching the Bonsai Online streaming service soon. There clearly is a need for bonsai online instructions these days. We expand the tutorials with a wider range of bonsai covered, so both medium-large to small shohin are subjects for seasonal care, styling, and techniques.…