Displaying bonsai

Just came back from a nice weekend with bonsai exhibition. New and old trees. New and old friends. As it should be. Photos at the bottom, and in the Photos section (Now open for everybody).

Always enjoying watching old trees again, seeing how they have improved over time. Discussing pro and cons at the displays, and observing new ideas.

Displaying in the garden Tokonoma

At my own garden I have a Tokonoma to practise – and enjoy of course – the arrangement of bonsai and shohin. An art that demands a lot of artistic sense. And some common knowledge and background understanding of the Japanese tradition of displaying.

Bonsai display video

Bonsai displays always are up to a discussion, simply because taste and tradition often collides. But there are also some clear guidelines of how to set up a display, that are not always fully understood. Therefore the newest video launched for members are focused on exactly that. How you arrange a traditional display of bonsai. With the right balance and harmony between the bonsai, accent and scroll (if used).

Sign up and watch with a free trial period of one month

The bonsai exhibition

The Danish Bonsai Society and local club in southern Jutland, set up an annual autumn exhibition in a big center with a lot – and I mean A LOT – of visitors. A pleasure to watch, and especially the shohin section has improved over time I find. Watch all photos below. Good talks with new bonsai enthusiasts. Looking good for the future.

Now back home with a flu. Can recover by watching photos then…



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