• Itoigawa and Shimpaku shohin bonsai foliage

    Building foliage pads Do you pinch or cut? That is not without importance how you control the growth and timing is essential to build up healthy foliage pads. The Japanese varieties of soft scale leaf Junipers are popular for Shohin bonsai. And not without reason.…

  • Unboxing Thor Holvila bonsai pots

    In cooperation with Thor Holvilla bonsai pots. Video with Thor Holvila bonsai pots I received a box of bonsai pots. Quality bonsai pots are what we need to enhance the beauty of bonsai. Thor Holvila has his pottery in Sweden and has built up a…

  • Boxwood air layer

    Air layering bonsai is a great, but also advanced method to shape a new bonsai. In this weekly tutorial, Morten Albek takes you through all the steps to shape a future Shohin bonsai from an already existing bonsai. Air layering The bonsai have some flaws…

  • Shohin bonsai forest progress

    I regularly get questions about the forests I created in the autumn of 2018 and about their progress. It has been great fun doing these small Shohin bonsai forest expressions. Also, present in my newest book “Shohin – through the Seasons”. Available at Esprit Bonsai.…

  • Finding the bonsai behind the leaves

    Raw material can be a challenge. Finding the bonsai behind the leaves is not always easy, and early selections are a good idea. Setting the bones of the tree for the future. Tree gift Last year I was given a tree from a friend, who…

  • How to find the bonsai tree

    Creating bonsai from raw material can be a challenge. Finding and selecting the branches hidden behind a mass of foliage is the focus of the next episode. But that’s next week. Today the weekly tutorial is focusing on restyling a Shimpaku juniper I have grown…

  • Tosho Juniper pinching

    Summertime and pinching continue. Scissors are busy trimming new growth. It is important though how it is done, and not the least when it is done. The weekly episode on Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online is ready to watch, and deal with a lot of strategies necessary…

  • Facebook live today

    Yeah… The website problems are solved and everything runs smoothly againĀ šŸ™‚Ā atĀ www.shohin-europe.com Remember the Facebook live atĀ Bonsai EmpireĀ later today. On air around 16:00 / 4PM (CEST) – 3 PM (BST) – 10 AM (EDT) – 11:30 (ACST).

  • Small flowers, great joy

    Sometimes the smallest things bring the greatest joy. Shohin Deutzia gracilis, or this small flowering grass below, is for the bonsai display or just to enjoy. A summer flowering Shitakusa, Needletip Blue-Eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium mucronatum. Sometimes bonsai is about spectacular huge trees, and at other…

  • Timing your bonsai actions

    Summer is creeping up on us. But spring busy days still demands full attention on all new growth. Timing your bonsai actions is essential, and there are no fixed recipes telling exactly when to do what. Not at a time scale anyway. It’s much about…